Member-only story
Why The Televised Trial Of A White Supremacist Should Inspire Our Self-Care
When I say “Our” I mean my people, Black people, the collective of Blackness that has to bear yet another emotionally tasking season of triggering content that will be delivered as the irresistible spectacle and ratings bonanza for white media.
Just this morning while watching CNN on mute at the gym, there was a troubling segment featuring what had been shown multiple times this past weekend with methodical nonchalance, that guarantees why the decision-makers and producers are mostly white.
It was the viral clip of an Asian American man, who is also an army veteran of 20 years, Lee Wong, taking the time during a town hall to display his battle scars as proof of his unfailing love for a country that continuously rejects his patriotism and Americanness.
It’s a touching and heart-wrenching moment that captures the ire of white supremacy, and how it venomously dehumanizes members of targeted communities by forcing the need to prove our worth in the face of relentless mockery, and normalized societal ills, threatening the survival of populations that don’t register under the bigoted banner of #MAGA.
That segment on CNN was followed by light-hearted fare courtesy of hilarious clips from Saturday Night Live. And therein lies the problem with white…