Member-only story
Why The GOP is Officially A Racist Party That Needs To Be Duly Recognized As Such
If you claim to be a proud Republican, then you are definitely a racist. If you claim to be part of the Republican party by default, and surrender to the obligatory assignment, that you’re either too lazy or too chicken to discard in favor of human decency — you are absolutely harboring racist tendencies.
If you happened to either enthusiastically or reluctantly vote for Donald J. Trump during the contemptuous 2016 elections, that graphically showcased the revolting mannerisms and dangerously tepid tongue of a celebrated street gangster — you can bet your bottom dollar that your inherent bigotry massively paid off.
As we near the end of 2018 and the almost second year of being assaulted with the reign of terror, supplied by a bullish thumbnail, that only comes alive when he’s garnered enough shit in the dirty mouth that spews out vomit-inducing foulness at occasions that warrant the very opposite — the main takeaway is reliant on the embrace of the “elephant in the room.”