Ava DuVernay surrounded by her American heroes. Source

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Why The Golden Globes Shafted “When They See Us”

Ezinne Ukoha


Award season is officially lit with the wakeup call of the 2020 Golden Globe nominations, and to say that’s it’s “a white, white world” in Hollywood is an understatement.

The illustrious list of nominees that were selected by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, that has been hailed as the predictor for what the Oscars will look like, basically reverts us back to the bad old days, before #OscarsSoWhite was unleashed back in 2015 by founder, April Reign, in response to the gross negligence of the 2016 Oscar nominations.

The online furor sparked the growing movement that helped propel the viability of that prolific hashtag. It also gained traction when A-listers who could attest to the industry’s nasty habit of practiced exclusion against non-White talents, actively spoke out and used the viral symbol for extra measure.

Months after the Academy was shaken to its core proved to be a heightened period of adjustments and major revisions, that were set forth by the institution’s dutiful and responsive president, Cheryl Boone Isaacs, who has since been replaced by successor David Rubin.

Under the leadership of Isaacs, who is the first Black woman ever to serve in the role of president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science, there was an aggressive approach to diversifying a…



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