The impossible

Why Saving Puerto Rico Is Being Shopped As Mission Impossible

While lives hang in the balance and the media drives us crazy

Ezinne Ukoha
6 min readSep 29, 2017


I remember when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans back in 2005. The devastation was immense and even though there was no 24/7 streaming of captured videos or images — bound together to exert the urgency of life — the assigned reporters were able to convey the precarious circumstances unfolding — without the security of clickbait.

As a Nigerian-American it was appalling not to mention disheartening — to witness Black people — baking in the sun with tattered coverings and the stench of bloated bodies — floating under the guidance of an unforgiving sky — with the imprint of abandoned souls.

I couldn’t quite comprehend or accept that the United States of America — the country my parents vouched for with every inch of their soul — could possibly be the center of a brutal massacre.

When Kanye said this that “George Bush doesn’t care about Black people,” that’s when it clicked.

While growing up in Nigeria— I was exposed to the gangster climate of the eighties. Bribery and corruption initiated a slew of military coups in response to the utter chaos — that stemmed from gross mismanagement — and the formulated disdain for the general population.

