Is she crying?!

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Where Was The Outrage When Former First Lady Michelle Obama Was Labeled “Ape in Heels?”

Sarah Sanders got off easy

Ezinne Ukoha
6 min readApr 30, 2018


The White House Correspondent’s Association Dinner 2018 — is over but not done with — based on the residue stemming from comedian Michelle Wolf’s delightfully scathing segment — which is still frosting timelines and outlets — as blindsided attendees with journalistic authority — seem to be bitterly divided in their stance over how White House Press Secretary — Sarah Sanders was treated.

Sanders was seated at the high table as she embodies the unenviable role of President Trump’s most trusted representative — since the cowardly lion was too busy roaring about the usual nonsense instead of taking the hits like the man he will never grow up to be.

For — the record — no stone was left unturned during Wolf’s magical offering — that showcased a rotating platter of appetizing venom to a room full of shit. From the scary creepiness of VP Mike Pence to the transparently vulture-like approach to “all-things Trump” by an industry that still professes its adherence to hard-hitting news that’s both cohesive and thorough — Wolf made sure to serve the bitter truth — potently unfiltered.

But — for some reason — it’s the shit about Sarah Sanders that has weirdly become the highlight of a night…



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