Leisha Evans standing her ground in the face of police brutality in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Member-only story

We need to talk about the rogue White cops that tried to kill #blackgirlmagic and #blackhistorymonth in the #whitesnow

Ezinne Ukoha


Black History Month is underway, and it’s traditionally the period when we celebrate Black Pride with the historical allegiance to the icons of our time, who fought long and hard on behalf of Blackness, and how it can’t ever be overpowered by the supremacy of toxic Whiteness — that’s tragically still enjoying quite a run!

It’s never pleasant to run into another piece of evidence that once again puts to shame all the clueless folks that accuse Colin Kaepernick of being a traitor for taking a knee during the national anthem as a way to protest the systematic oppression of Black people in America.

It’s also an unappetizing treat to notice that the paid HuffPost Black Voices writer who curated the very disturbing piece about the young Black woman who was relieved of her vehicle by a cold-hearted White cop, who watched her walk away in the dark and freezing cold — isn’t a Black staffer.

He’s white!

But I’ve already talked about that shit more than once, and at this point, it’s so much easier to point it out and readily let it go. The whole industry is in shambles with the never-ending season of layoffs, all across the board, and the job boards looking like a desolate…



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