Tamar Tried It! And She Was Sent Home.
I’ve always liked Tamar Braxton. I discovered her when she and her sisters were assigned their on TV Show on WE tv. I quickly became mesmerized with the youngest of the Braxton brood.
Okay. Maybe I’m exaggerating. I thought she was funny as hell and wildly exuberant. Her older sisters are cool too.
Toni of course is the oldest and most successful. She started out with The Braxtons — a group that she and her sisters fostered until it was clear that there was only one star that deserved to shine.
None of the other women matched Toni’s trajectory and how could they? She was and is potently flawless and imaginatively enduring.
It must’ve been hard to watch their sibling catapult into the realm of stardom with ease — backed by the fondling of an industry that makes no apologies for ripping a family apart.
But back to Tamar.
That girl is the business and the only reason why I even bother to watch Braxton Family Values. There is something rabidly transparent about her and its not necessarily appealing but it gets you entangled right away.
The Kardashians are boring and bland and that’s their trademark. They appear onscreen and casually gripe about the shit that was already doused on Twitter months ago.
They make no effort to be interesting or even rebelliously enticing. They’ve been pampered to believe that just the audacity of their presence in any medium is enough to assuage the needs of the idiots who care.
And it works. Every time.
That’s exactly why Tamar Braxton worked my nerves at the right tempo.
She does care enough to give a memorable performance every time the camera is aimed her way — which happens a lot on her show because nobody else is quite as devoted.
She steals the spotlight and its magic.
Her sisters with the exception of Toni because she’s beyond indictment — aren’t able to keep up and it’s really due to the fact that they are wrapped up in jealousy.
They’re personal endeavors are chaotically random and limits them to the role of watching the oldest and youngest literally run the show.
It be like that sometimes.
The middle stuff always ends up getting icky and gooey. While the top and bottom stay splendidly solid.
Tamar is a wild child. And like most in her league — the hunger for more never dissipates.
Back in the spotlight and prepped for another round — she worked hard on a new solo album that was released and showcased her forgotten vocal range.
Her music videos were on point and she was finally reaping accolades that weren’t attached to any members of her family.
Tamar wanted to be a star in her own right. She married a music producer who looked like the guy who fuck for fame and fortune. Only.
But she’s made that work. She even got a baby boy out of it.
When the ball starts rolling — it gathers a moss of opportunities along the way. One of those came in the form of a talk show.
The Real. A less affluent version of The View because the ladies on this show keep it 100%. Or so I thought.
Tamar was joined by Tamera Mowry, Jeannie Mai, Adrienne Bailon, and Loni Love.
The show was billed as a vehicle comprising of “five outspoken female hosts”.
This was the perfect fit for Tamar who never lacks when it comes to being evocatively expressive.
The exposure on her reality show was obviously paying off and now she was lending her skills to an even wider platform.
Guess what? She was just fired.
Yep! It was announced that her gig had come to an abrupt end.
As always speculations were rampant and the star herself released a statement that insinuated how she’d been played and betrayed by someone close to her. Someone she trusted.
The story behind her dismissal disjointly converged to convince us that she had willingly walked away at the behest of pursuing solo opportunities.
Hell no! Tamar would never turn her back on a camera captivated by her signature delivery and irresistible charm.
Yes. According to media outlets — Tamar was ousted from her position because she stunk of that damning stigma — her “ghetto persona”.
So bad it would make the cast of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo shimmy in disblief.
She was also given to needless tantrums that resulted in “neck and eye rolling” sessions.
A reaction that indicates the onset of black woman gone mad.
Really? This is where we are today?
We are really embodying a time when focus groups are implemented to determine whether or not an out of control black woman who is a celebrity and was hired based on her unique appeal — has the right to keep her job based on her trite tendencies of using phrases like — ”get your life”, “where they do that at”, and “have several seats?”
They supposedly utilized the mentality of “educated professionals” who happened to be women. They were treated to Tamar’s brand of keeping it “real” on The Real and somehow she was just way to real.
So real — that they confirmed what the show’s producers were dying to hear.
Tamar Braxton is a ghetto bitch who will squash your advertisers and kill your show.
Yeah, you brought her on naked because she’s a loud-mouthed renegade who will undoubtedly dominate the panel of cowardly placements who would rather be seen than heard.
But she’s ghetto y’all. She a black woman with a foul tongue — with the looks and talent to back it all up.
She’s dangerous.
You don’t want to mess with that. Only fuck with the ones you can control. Boring or not — your leash is never to long or too full.
So, let get this straight. Megyn Kelly and her henchmen over at Fox News can spew out hatred matter with splattering effects and still live to shit another day?
Of course she does and they do!
White people somehow make anal produce sound like refined rhetoric. It’s garbage and mind-numbingly repetitive but the delivery can’t be denied or silenced.
I’m an educated black woman with a profession that I recognize as dignified and respected and I find Tamar worthy of my time and investment.
What classifies being “too ghetto” for television when you have a glorified sex worker that purposely released a sex tape for the honor of being feted daily as a respectable member of society.
Once again — black women are being read their rights for daring to be bare in front of the lenses that work overtime to diminish their relevancy.
Of course her former co-workers tweeted and instagrammed their support after shit hit the fan but but that’s not nearly enough.
Refusing to work another day unless their fallen comrade is restored is more like it.
Your damn show is called The Real! Come on now! Live up to that motherfucker!
But they won’t. Because white people rule in the form of studio heads at Warner Bros.
And despite our power in the form of unmatched indulgence — we still bow down and toil like well-kept slaves.
Hicks and dicks can rule the airwaves and fuck each other’s cousins and siblings in the form of The Duggars — who will never stop counting the flock of their sins.
But black women who say it without mercy and pack an attitude that won’t be thwarted — give advertisers pause and hives.
Racism reigns supreme and its blatancy never goes unnoticed. We live in a time when anything goes.
Caitlyn Jenner can shit all over the transgender community and be lauded for it and still keep her show. And she wasn’t a woman to begin with.
What the fuck?!
Tamar tried it and was sent home.