It’s bright up there!

So Who Gets To Go To Heaven?

and where the hell is hell?

Ezinne Ukoha
4 min readDec 9, 2018


2018 has been the toughest one yet, and I’m old enough to know that the years ahead are only going to get tougher. Death is all around, and for most of us it’s impossible to escape the deep impact of helplessly watching loved ones disappear like a wickedly plotted magic trick.

My parents are die-hard Christians, and I’m currently harboring the traitorous truth about the complexity of my status, that has shifted from agnostic to cautiously Buddhist.

My childhood in Nigeria was seeped in the pentecostal handbook, and the recognition of the Church of England. Boarding school presented the harrowing experience of sitting through the cruelly manipulative Christian films of the seventies and eighties, that shocked us into the dire consequences of either denouncing the “mark of the beast” or failing to survive the impending rapture.

That period of my life definitely inspired the need for a deep cleanse in adulthood, with the emancipation from the grips of God Almighty, and the embrace of the influences of my own choosing.

There’s also the disgusting hypocrisy on display that proves beyond a doubt how evangelicals lazily rely on bible verses as the shield from the damnation of their ungodly approach to issues, and the vulnerable souls they mercilessly…

