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Netflix’s “The Rachel Divide” Is The Evidence of Abuse Against Black Children That Can’t Be Denied
You’re also going to detest Rachel Dolezal even more than you already do
Spoilers ahead
First off — Netflix’s The Rachel Divide is a hot mess — from start to finish. Director Laura Brownson’s brave attempt at presenting one of the most hated women in America in a more relatable and empathetic light — wasn’t achievable for many reasons —and the main culprit is Rachel Dolezal’s incoherency — which makes her grossly unlikeable.
The documentary should also have a trigger alert for Black people — who like me — are still reeling from the shocking and unbearably disturbing aftermath following the tragic deaths of six Black adopted children — who were willfully murdered by their abusive mothers — some weeks ago.
Once it became clear that the lesbian White couple who posed as decent human beings with a penchant for saving Black children from neglect — were actually undercover criminals — who subjected these poor Black kids to extreme cruelty — including forced starvation — I began to ponder how and why the signs of mistreatment were not only ignored — but also irresponsibly downplayed.