Sunny days with faces set in tone.
Miles away fragments of death
circulate amid swirling destruction.
The rays from the shiny globe
are blurred from the dustiness
of fallen structures.
On the other side, rambunctious
kids accelerate upwards
to settle on plush greenery.
The bluest sky blesses
pursuits with fresh kisses.
On the side of defeat,
slabs of concrete provide
deadly cocoons for lifeless dolls.
Buried in the misfortune
they never sought.
Full light from above
caresses morbidity
setting anguish as torchlight.
Happy screams
content commuters,
rushed pedestrians
in a world slathered
with coats of whiteness.
In the humbling darkness,
sheets of red are the pathways
to symbolic corpses with lips
formed as they were.
The hardened betrayals of history
stages soulful morgues.
Mothers born to wail,
will their pristine offspring
to show life.
Images of arranged
carcasses leak dried fluid.
The scene dazzles
with alarming frenzy.
Leaders with coins
of colonization place wagers.
Profits from the past
carry residue
for present calamities.
Black, brown, other
bonded by their suffocation.
Delirious joy from privilege
conceived for world mayhem.
Counters soundtrack of pleas,
pummeling the earth.
The rage grows louder
with forceful reckoning.
Cowards with hearts
of stained stone,
retain mandates
of necessary evil.
Fire and brimstone
burn through the earth.
Quakes of resistance
shudder with hope.
White veils will wither
to expose white.
The others will join
the buried to unearth
dreams for tomorrow.
Rockets will launch
to blast the past.
Sunny days will reclaim
the lost ones.
Those in bondage
will rise to revoke privileges.
White will be white
no more.