What a week it was. What a year it’s been!
We’re almost at the half-way point, and it’s hard to even comprehend that 2020 is an election year. How can we begin to wrap our wearied minds around the fact that we have the immense responsibility of defeating a bullish white supremacist, who will stop at nothing to secure a second term.
We have the deadly season of a global pandemic that has been disproportionately devastating to the community that can’t afford to shoulder more pain and suffering in addition to the daily threats that hamper our survivability.
The tragedy of George Floyd’s brutal murder by a former police officer in broad daylight has replaced the fear of Covid-19 and the mandate of social distancing with the national uprising across the nation and the world-at-large.
Emotions are raw and heightened. We know that our consumption of the extreme without lifting up for recharged air is doing the worst on the mental and physical, but what choice do we have?
The hourly updates are literally a matter of life and death, and if we manage to tear ourselves away for five minutes, the nagging dread of what is unfolding propels us to refresh screens with racing hearts.
And so the ups and downs, steep hills and maze of roundabouts, stemming from the never-ending horror show that features…