Paul in Haiti circa 2010

How Paul Walker’s Legacy Continues To Reach Out Worldwide

And why you should care

Ezinne Ukoha
6 min readSep 10, 2016


Actor Paul Walker began his career as a child star. Game shows, TV shows, Soap operas, etc, Walker’s blond hair and blue eyes were the elements of what The American Dream personifies. He spent the 80’s trying to woo Samantha from Who’s The Boss while also keeping tabs on the path that leads to the starry Highway to Heaven.

He was adorable.

It was no surprise that despite his loyalty and passion to the ocean and lifelong quest to become a marine biologist — Hollywood came knocking with an emphatic beat that led him to anchor one of the most enduring and beloved franchises in the world.

The Fast and The Furious was born out of Walker’s love for cars — a legacy that he admitted was passed down from his familial line. After the success of the 2000 hit film The Skulls, producers at Universal Studios were eager to capitalize on the young guy with the surfer attitude and movie star quality. They enthusiastically asked him what he wanted to do next.

The rest is history.

The California native’s idea about fast cars and an undercover cop who can’t resist sacrificing his career for loyalty and the lure of the fast lane — ultimately evolved into a goldmine that is still overflowing with heaps of monetary rewards.

The only thing missing is the star of the show.

He died back in 2013 while on break from filming the seventh installment. It was sudden, tragic, and senseless. It was epically disastrous and killed the spirit of loved ones and fans. I was a fan. I was brutalized by the circumstances of his death. The car crash, the burning car, the realization that someone so good had perished in the worst way imaginable.

I obsessively followed the aftermath of the tragedy. I was glued to the media outlets as they tracked the grief that spread throughout the community and beyond. But, a couple of months prior — I had randomly googled Paul Walker while watching 2 Fast 2 Furious on a late summer night. He looked so damn good! After years of being out of the loop — I needed to catch up.

He looked older but he still had the features that gave him the blessing of a solidly thriving career. He was the new face of Davidoff — and the only reason why he agreed to front the cosmetic giant was because they agreed to support his mission that was and always had been affiliated with the preservation of the ocean.

If you also share this passion — click here to help support his daughter’s efforts to keep her father’s dream alive through The Paul Walker Foundation.

After he died — I found out that he was way more than just the pretty boy who looked good behind the wheel of the latest luxury accessory.

This guy was committed to the cause of humans all over the world.

His worldly pursuits had given him permission to claim the most exotic spots in the universe but with that privilege came the burden of witnessing the devastation that mother nature unleashes without warning. This realization inspired his need to create a team of first responders who would act accordingly by ensuring that the victims based in hard to Reach areas would have a chance of surviving their plight — as they wait for more militarized assistance.

Reach Out Worldwide (ROWW) was born in 2010.

The first trip was to Haiti after the devastating earthquake. Walker and his like-minded friends decided to implement their rescue plan and the results were gratifyingly stunning. The response and support from outside forces provided the incentive to keep up the good work.

After Haiti — other territories fell into the queue — including Chile, Indonesia and Alabama. Ironically the organization’s founder was in the middle of a fundraiser for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan when he decided to take a drive afterwards with his friend. He was the passenger this time which according to those who knew him best was unusual.

Walker always insisted on driving. I am almost certain things would’ve turned out differently if he had been at the wheel. But, fate never fails to leave us aghast with wonder.

Paul Walker was forty years old when he died.

He was born the same year I was. Yet, he definitely accomplished way more than I can ever hope to in this lifetime. He could’ve easily been an over-indulged asshole with a penchant for the sweet life at the expense of those who can’t measure up. But, he turned out to be as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside.

He didn’t buy into the Hollywood formula of excess and mind-numbing fare. He wanted to make a difference. He wanted to feel like his golden status could earn him the power to change lives for the better. He wanted to manipulate his good fortune in ways that would give hope to the hopeless in their hour of need.

He wanted to Reach Out.

This is what it’s all about.

His youngest brother Cody Walker answered the call when his oldest brother left him on November 30, 2013.

He stepped up and made the decision to move back to Los Angles from Oregon in a bid to continue his late brother’s expanding empire of goodwill. This selfless act has paid off. Six years later — ROWW has embarked on several more rescue missions and its impact is radiating at a pace that would make Paul Furiously content and proud.

As with every non-profit outlet — survival is based on donations from generous fellows who are drawn to the themes that encapsulate the mantra of “goodwill towards men.”

If you fit that description and cherish the gorgeousness of the man who gave so much and still continues to give despite his piercing absence — then give him the birthday present he deserves.

Donate to Reach Out Worldwide.

Walker’s birthday is September 12th. His dear friend and life coach, Jesse Bresendine, who participated in the inaugural trip to Haiti is also committed to continuing the good work that started not so long ago.

Every year since he lost his partner in crime — Bresendine stages the International Sunrise and Sunset Around the World Day. It is the day that unites us all as we post photos that capture the splendor of nature that occurs on the birthdate of a man who took the time to relish the simple things in life.

It is a beautiful event and if you can spare the time I recommend it. I never thought much about sunrises and sunsets until I was inclined to do so. I have never regretted it since.

There is also Game 4 Paul.

This year the event will take place on September 17th and will be streamed live through Twitch TV.

It is an amazingly fun time that institutes the combination of celebs, games, stunts, and just a cohesive collage of quality time for 6 hours that is geared towards celebrating the life of an irreplaceable gem. The goal is to raise money for a cause that surpasses anything you can possibly imagine.

Paul Walker’s legacy has to remain intact. If you don’t get it — I will attempt to explain why.

Reach Out Worldwide is poised to be the port of call whenever shit hits the fan. As someone with ties that extend past the shores of Venice Beach — I totally get how pertinent it is to be assuaged with the knowledge that no matter how bad things get — there is a possibility that ROWW will be able to Reach my loved ones in Nigeria. They are primed to stabilize the chaos — until other outlets are able to arrive and diffuse the situation.

In this climate of hatred towards refugees and anything that recalls the mandate of immigration — you can’t ignore the reality that your loved ones may need to be removed from the rubble of distress.

Help them now by supporting an organization that was instituted for that exact purpose. Help us keep Paul Walker alive though his idea that was just an idea until it became an active force that has done good Worldwide and will continue to do so with your help.

Post your sunset and sunrise photos. Donate money directly to ROWW. Take part and listen to personal stories that testify to the pure nature of a selfless movie star who never saw himself that way.

Be a human being by caring deeply for strangers as much as you care for yourself.

Heroes aren’t manufactured. They are Born that Way.



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