In the cloves of airy ducts clinging to life, one branch at a time. The dewy temperance cuts through the air with semblance of what could’ve been. Ploughing through empty streets as footsteps dial the pace of rewarded breath. The backdrop of blue slivers, silently slicing through grays of hovering thoughts, condense pathways streamed with broken tokens of euphoria.
Falling and rolling into feathered gatherings in breakfast for wounded spirits, running out loud with the applause of swaying members of earth.
The brain calculates open shutters that use energy from busy squirrels, and musing chirping of flourished birds, perched on large strokes that feature a community of dwellers fighting for glory.
You are enveloped by the steamy chill as the hillclimb widens pleasures of sight in laser focused formulation.
The weaves of early bloomers, mid-sprouting into late sections that may never salute seasons is a bursting celebration of existing, You were strutting as if you were dead, and then breathtaking interference stormed righteous defeat.
Intermingled beefy buds waiting for May, entangle purpose of happy births, even in the threatening shadows of sad finality.
Sunlight enlivens party favors, hypnotized by dull wind and presence of you, in soulful attire. You can peek…