The horror show currently unfolding, merely days after Capitol Hill was under attack from white terrorists, who were revved up from intoxication that emanated at the venue of the Trump Crime Family’s “Save America” rally, anchored by a mainstay hoodlum, Rudy Giuliani, is a damning testament to what white supremacy can produce when left unchecked.
Donald Trump’s shockingly combative inaugural speech, minutes after he took the oath of office was the unnerving transparency that has been maintained throughout his godforsaken presidency. Nobody can accuse the self-professed white nationalist, who proudly owned the obvious while rallying for the re-election of Ted Cruz, a noted traitor, during the 2018 midterm elections, of being insincere about his celebrated nefariousness.
The shit was hilarious back in the early days, when traitorous Republicans and their enabling leaders slathered bad humor all over the increasingly threatening stance of a Thug-in-Chief, who was a shameless Putin loyalist, and avid admirer of murderous dictators like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, who amusingly played his much…