
Dear White People, Blacks Can’t be Racists. And You Saying So Proves Your Logic of Racism

Ezinne Ukoha
5 min readJan 22, 2016

What is happening in Hollywood at the moment is long overdue and quite enlightening — but yet not really if you take in the fact that racism isn’t just an experience limited to certain venues of existence.

It is a systematic wiring of deceit that echoes through every facet of authority and nothing is left unscathed.

A white law enforcement officer has the right to legally march into a classroom and throw a young black girl against the wall in front of her peers and teacher without any censorship. That could be my niece.

A black boy can be playing in the park and acting out his own innocent version of cops and robbers and be shot to death by a white policeman who takes the child’s imaginary world very seriously. That could be my son.

A young black woman who is pulled over by a white state trooper can be physically and violently removed from her vehicle and pummeled to the ground because she is a little to smart for her own good and worst of all — she is dangerously aware of her rights. And this acute awareness demands the ultimate punishment and the end of her life. This could be me.

So, as you can see, life as a person of color in America isn’t for the meek. Men, women, and children that sport a darker hue are routinely subjected to deplorable forms of treatment and yet we still begin and end our day with hope, fortitude and a general sense of gratitude that we are able to function without the urge to cuss out just about any white person that dares to look our way.

But the bullshit never ends. Why should it? Most white people have been programmed to believe that they are superior and anyone who doesn’t remotely resemble them can be tolerated but not readily accepted as an equal.

It happens in the daily regimen of life. A black woman can be standing in line waiting to approach the cashier and a white woman slides in front as if the person behind her is a figment of her imagination. No, she saw you — she just doesn’t think she should have to get behind you.

In the workplace, white co-workers try their darndest to display their best selves in your presence but behind your back the words from their lips barely resonate with who you thought they were.

I suppose these instances can be interpreted as the human condition. Of course we all talk about each other when the doors are closed but the sting of a privileged white guy publicly mocking the idea that diversity is really “a thing” is harder to dismiss.

So is the utterly insulting point of view from a racist movie star who I used to admire and now I view with tired contempt. Charlotte Rampling — the aging European actress, added her two cents to the Oscars controversy by telling the French radio station Europe 1 — that boycotting the ceremony is “racist to whites”.

She then goes on to give a generic explanation of why she’s come to such an appallingly conclusion. Based on the translation — since she was speaking in French, which makes this even more infuriating — she said, “One can never really know, but perhaps the black actors did not deserve to make the final list”.

Rampling did receive an Oscar nomination for best actress this year for her brilliant work in 45 Years. I can say that because I saw it and it was a very good film. She is also an Academy member and we can now rightfully conclude that she probably didn’t bother to watch Straight Outta Compton, Creed, Furious 7, or even Concussion.

She embodies the true class of the snobbish, unrelenting, abhorrent citizens of the world who can’t fathom the the sheer chaos and mental disruption that accompanies people of color like — a smog shadow that refuses to clear.

It’s hard for anyone white to truly grasp the devastation that comes with the realization that black people are meant to suffer for the sin of being who we are. Many have tried to feign an avid comprehension of the facts but if black America can’t make sense of it — chances are white America won’t even come close.

Kudos to those who at least make that attempt to be apathetic to the plight of fellow humans. It at least shows a level of decency and compassion that is woefully lacking these days and disappearing at a rapid rate.

But to the legion of haters like Charlotte Rampling — who view the outcry of people of color against a stifling establishment as unnecessary because “these days everyone is more or less accepted” — there is virtually no hope for you.

You are shielded by your blanket of untruths and perfectly cemented legacy that has never been challenged or attacked. Your worldly temperaments has afforded you entry into any institution of your choosing.

You’ve never had to wonder what life would be like if you looked different or acted differently. You’ve never had to alter your way of thinking or habitual consumption of whatever in order to escape destructive regulations that are in place to destroy you or those you hold dear.

No, being white, rich, and respected based on your accomplishments is standard fare and if any group of people on the outside demand the very same treatment — you see it as a threat, as some sort of careless revolt, or even an act of racism against your kind.

Racism against white people isn’t black people asking to be recognized as equals on a playing field that is cluttered with too many whites and too few blacks. Racism against blacks however, can be classified as a lack of equality or justice that is mandated by those with inferior minds.

Most in Hollywood who share Rampling’s hue feel exactly the same way she does and harbor a sickening spirit of entitlement and blatant justification for their outright brutish disregard for people who don’t fit their narrowed scope of authenticity. Just ask Matt Damon and Christian Bale — the two actors who scoff at the idea of diversity.

Bottomline is that the conversation that is currently dominating the cells of anyone who has an opinion is revealing what we’ve always known to be true.

White people are blindingly racist in ways that give them license to verbally abuse those who refuse to be silenced. They also have no idea what racism entails because they’ve never had to fight to survive the war raging against their most primal makeup.

It’s the logic of racism that continues to permeate the pours of the ignorant sect and spearhead the corrosive dispute between whites and blacks.

This will never be a combated issue because we are not the same. We are not One (Sorry U2 — but we are not). And we will never like each other enough to make it work. So where does that leave us?

Nowhere. And that’s exactly where we should stay.

