Bo West…

Dear Kim Kardashian, It’s Not Just The “Bo West” Braids, It’s The Whole Damn Thing

Your disrespectful stance against Black Women is culturally revolting

Ezinne Ukoha
6 min readJan 30, 2018


I can’t lie that I relish any opportunity to fuck up The Kardashians — and my reasons are purely obvious. There’s simply nothing remotely refreshing or even interesting about them.

Ironically enough — I just completed a marathon of their decade long reality TV show. I bravely subjected myself to the season that showcased the infamous Paris fiasco — which I callously demolished — guilt-free.

But — there’s also the need to give these over-hyped and woefully overprivileged klan — their full due. You can’t deny that their extreme appearance and unprejudiced adulation — for doing absolutely nothing other than stretching out highly expensive attire to fit their surgically bloated templates — while managing an expanding empire that truthfully laid the blueprint for what is now known as Instagram — is unsettlingly noteworthy.

In the meantime — we have the cultural harassment of the woman who revamped the image of the “unearthed” sex tape by giving those who rely solely on the currency of sexually explicit fare — the permission to proudly dream of reaching loftier heights based on the evidence of flexibility.

