Bombs away!
Blasting through echoes of nonchalance that erupts the dancing clouds of fire
Converging frequencies charge into circus of freedom that permits the loudness of silence.
Hoods in white with spears of smeared liquid task the masterminds of lighted bulbs,
that plummet downward on brown and black fortresses in the daylight.
Heights unknown propel doctors of justice, as the examination halts the mightiness of wars
Skilled puppets in suits and fractured glasses read off scripted fare about the maniac with yellow hairs and snotty lips.
The suction of deliverables begins and ends with charted graphs that constantly avoid the tremors, unearthing the mystery of White soldiers who work in the daylight,
and into the night when the sky is brightest for the noise of doomed firecrackers that burst into the sound of silence.
Bombs speak!
They really do and if you dare to listen, you will hear the bulletin of death plans that will make colors merge into vibrant body parts that flicker when the grass obeys the wind.
Crusty skins of charred gold can breathe menacing lies when the parade of victory commences with mascots of governmental hitmen,