Member-only story
America’s Disdain For The “Have- Nots” Has Hit A New Low
2020 is winding down, and the horrors of COVID-19 still remain an active national emergency with a staggering death count that CNN insists on plastering at the corner of the screen, like the banner of truth that loses shock value, because of how numbers eventually blur into nothing.
America is a nasty mess, and even with the incoming Biden/Harris administration, there’s no indication that fumigating The White House from the stench of Donald Trump’s infamy will miraculously restore settings back to reasonable functionality.
America’s disdain for the needy, the have-nots or however you prefer to describe the broad swath of the population that’s rapidly sinking under remarkable pressure, stemming from extended unemployment and the loss of steady income, due to insurmountable circumstances, is the gross negligence of the federal government that’s nothing short of criminal.
The holiday season is in full swing, and this is typically the time of year when families combine resources for the expenditure that puts fixed smiles on the faces of giddy kids, and provides elaborate treats that are specifically reserved for traditional festivities.
But there’s not much to celebrate, when you assess the assaulting themes of what has shaped up to be a very traumatic start to a new decade.